April’s Volunteering Pledge

I came across a fascinating article this month that suggests it is possible to determine which political party you will vote for, depending on your food shop.  How terribly interesting, I thought.  Do you fancy a go?

  1. Pick your most likely to buy food from this list
    1. Brussels spouts
    2. Mango
    3. Loose leaf tea
    4. Avocado
    5. Welsh cheese
  2. Read all of the blog
  3. Find which party you voted for at the end

By now we all know the result of the General Election, in fact I am watching the full BBC coverage as I type.  I shall reserve comment, but will make vague reference to political terms throughout the blog to get my (and your?) fix of poor puns for the month…!


April has not failed to deliver on its volunteering manifesto (we begin already), with many outings by the regular groups, and also some new parties coming out to improve their local stretch.

First out in April were the WBLA’s (Whilton & Buckby Locks Assoc.) who made use of the Easter weekend…

“Alan and Brian have been working on the Nature Reserve, planting snowdrops and bluebells, plus general tidying.  Geoff and I have been refreshing the tubs at Top Lock, plus removing all the weeds which were spoiling the garden above the road tunnel entrance, plus a bit of planting, tidying and sweeping the tunnel.”

Thanks Sue, the flight is looking bright!

With the Festival of Water less than 4 months away now, IWA Northampton are busy as ever on their Battlebus up and down the Arm.  Their first task party saw them spruce up the sanitary station at Gayton Junction, and take on a new activity at CRT’s request.  We asked the group if they could help us by carrying out some routine maintenance on the by-weirs that run around each of the 17 locks.  And a sterling job they did on them too, have a look here.  Thank You!  Group Leader, Geoff Wood says

“We will continue with a small group who will carry out some vegetation clearance on the lock by-wash weirs. We need to complete lock 4 but have to very careful that we don’t disturb any wildlife and a full inspection must be made first. If in doubt do not carry out the work and we will continue with it later in the year.”

By-weir before after

Great to see a very practical approach to these tasks being undertaken.  You might also remember that the group was restoring the 4 mile posts along the Arm.  3 down, 1 to go…

To a new party now – Hightown Praetorian & Churches Housing Association, who asked very nicely if they could come along for a morning’s volunteering to help improve the canal through Hemel Hempstead.  We said ‘yes’ of course… and what a superb job they did too.  Volunteer Leader, Wayne reports:

“A very good day at Apsley Locks today, with 22 HPCHA employees involved in various activities.  Three sets of lock gates painted, including the new pair that were still bare.  Flower beds weeded & replanted with bedding plants.  And even squeezed in a litter pick, not bad for three hours graft!  They went away very happy with their mornings work, another good day!”

low res Hightown Volunteers


The Stoke Bruerne candidates were out too this month, but headed to the very south end of their patch as the Easter holidays meant the top lock & museum area were too busy!  Party Leader, Rob Westlake, lead the team to the bottom of the flight to tidy up and litter pick the track and car park.  It looks much better now – great job!

Also in Stoke Bruerne, was an unusual sight, as the funeral of Doris Osbourne began with a journey on the canal.  Here are the story and photos.

April is the annual litter pick in Leighton Buzzard, with a difference… Thanks to Leighton Buzzard Canoe Club for once again, undertaking this event on the water!

In the next constituency north, IWA Milton Keynes held their bi-annual Canal Clean-up from Fenny Stratford to Wolverton.  With a super turnout of voters including CRT PM Richard Parry, a convoy of boats, a hopper, a pan and a dredger, the 2-day, 11-mile clean up picked up an awful lot of rubbish (not one of the puns).  Read the full account here.  A huge thanks to Philip & Athina for organising the logistics of this coalition event!

Let’s travel now, over to Oxford.  Interest in the Oxford Canal is growing, possibly due to TV programs such as Great Canal Journeys with Timothy West & Prunella Scales.  Fortunately we also have growing numbers of local residents that want to come out and help us remove the graffiti that blights the canal as it enters the city.  April saw 2 groups out, one at Isis Lock, and a new group organized by Cllr. Liz Wade (a real one) tackling heritage Aristotle Bridge.  Never an easy job, but one that makes a big difference.  Many thanks to everyone who took the time to come and scrub!

Also busy on the Oxford Canal are Banbury Canal Partnership, back with gusto after their winter break.  First up was painting Allens’ Lock near Upper Heyford, and how can you refuse an offer like this:

“As it is such a nice day, thought we may paint a lock!”

The following week, it must’ve been a nice day again, as the group tackled Varney’s Lock near Cropredy.  Apparently it was rated 2/10 by some friendly boaters, now it’s 10/10!

Also taking advantage of the good painting weather was the Fenny Stratford group who managed to paint all the lock furniture – lock, fence, swing bridge, bollards, bike barrier AND water their new hedgerow whips!

Blisworth Canal Partnership have been busy this month, showing Scouts the tunnel and the bats that live in it!  Armed with new bat detectors, they can watch and listen to the bats as they depart in the evenings.  Group Leader Alan Andrews says

“Had a great session with local Scouts in the Spinney and the Hut this evening.  Jan gave them a talk about Bats.  As it was a warm evening loads of bats came out of the Tunnel at dusk.  Our new digital Bat detectors worked really well and we identified two different species tonight, one being Common Pipistrelle and the other being Noctule.  Then finished with the leaders cooking hot dogs for us all.”

Sounds like a fun evening!

With no opposition, Braunston Canal Society have been at it again!  Back at the fire path over the tunnel, another high turnout of BCS volunteers and local residents saw them finish off the clearance of this path.  Years of neglect had the 5-metre wide path reduced to a single track, and now look at it!  Top job everyone!

Later in the month, the group re-convened in their safe seat for a spot of lock painting outside the Admiral Nelson.  The group are looking for more volunteers to help with the maintenance of the flight.  If you think you can help, please contact Graham.

Down to the Wendover Arm now, where months of hard work came to fruition as the latest section of canal was re-watered.  I highly recommend you click here [WAT update] to read and see the photos of this exciting event.


Let me introduce another new group next.  Based in Aylesbury, ESRI is a company that supplies Canal & River Trust with their GIS system.  GIS is a mapping tool that allows us to map data and carry out analysis.  We hold data on our land ownership, assets and services, water voles, hedgerows and much more.

Task #1 in April was to fill the huge potholes in Broughton car park, take back the encroaching vegetation and paint the railings and fences.  Not only did they get all this done, they also got the lock painted!  What a successful day!  Many thanks to ESRI, Lead Volunteer Philip, plus Louise and Nick from CRT’s GIS team for coming to help.  Can’t wait to have you out again!


Crossing the M25 now to Rickmansworth, where a successful task party took place, despite being in deficit when a corporate group cancelled the day before!  Mark Saxon from Rickmansworth Waterways Trust says

“12 volunteers attended and about 70 hours of volunteers’ time getting the lock looking great and ready for the Rickmansworth Festival in May.”

Great to see the local volunteers rallying to get the job done – well done!  Have a look at this super video by volunteer Les Mead, showing the progress of the day.

An update by Buckingham Canal Society’s Athina Beckett now:

“Buckingham Canal Society were lucky in obtaining a grant from WREN to re-water a 400-metre section of the canal at Bourton Meadow near Buckingham.  Contractors lined and re-watered this section of the canal but unfortunately a problem occurred.  Since March this year the contractors have been back to replace it and the canal is now back in water again and much appreciated by the local ducks!


Our volunteers have been back on site re-planting over 2,000 aquatic plug plants.  Any extra help here on Sunday 10th or Thursday 21st May, would be much appreciated”

Aylesbury Towpath Taskforce were out litter picking the Arm – it’s looking so good there with all these wonderful volunteers doing their bit!  They undertake a range of tasks every 2nd Saturday 10.30am – just turn up at the rear of Tesco!

Lock Keeper updates:

  • Volunteer Lock Keepers are showing how good they are yet again, with John Carvell at Watford, Brian Morgan at Braunston and Maurice Farndon at Hillmorton, all inspiring boaters to write to or call us.  Great start to the season!
  • Also leading the way are the teams at Soulbury and Marsworth who were awarded certificates for being nominated for Esme Dowling Lock Keeper of the Year 2014.   Wow!!!
  • Ever wondered how lock gates are made and replaced?  Marsworth VLK Ian Wilson found this fascinating article in Countryside magazine [Lock Gates]
  • VLK Task Manager Ben Bray has been sneaking volunteers off the locks to help with maintenance and painting.  Braunston VLK Brian Morgan was very pleased with his handiwork at this now-gleaming locklock
  • Also taking photos, is Napton’s Richard Wren, who wanted to prove he was back for the start of the season with this lovely aerial!

Me at Napton

  • Soulbury VLK, Craig Bakin is happy to be back on the lock-side, and is earning his keep too…

“It was really busy at locks Friday.  Luckily Kevin O came to help at 4 pm, when there was a small breach by one of the hire boats.  They didn’t put paddles down at bottom lock, and then put top paddles up too… This is how to drain the pound!!  Kevin saw and I quickly manage to close the paddles before they drained the system!  It was nice to see it so busy this early in the season, even though Easter is earlier this year.”

Thanks Craig & Kevin!

  • Hillmorton VLK’s have taken matters into their own hands where the local information board is concerned!  No longer showing old signs, Kevin & Taryn Marriott have designed and installed their own poster with up-to-date and useful information.  This now nicely compliments the Hillmorton website!

hillm sign


And finally… let’s get physical!  CRT’s new Sports Participation Manager, Joe Sammon has big plans to make the canals more accessible and fun.

On Sunday 31st May, we are hosting our first Activity Day in Aylesbury.  Why not come along with your family?  We’re also looking for some volunteers to help.

  • Venue: Oakfield Road Park, Aylesbury map
  • Cost: FREE
  • Date: Sunday 31st May 2015 (10am – 4pm)
  •  Free Multi-Activity Day including:
    • 2 km Family Fun Run between 12 noon – 1pm (under 8’s must run with an adult)
    • Taster canoeing (ages 10yrs and over)
    • Cycling skills coaching sessions (Bikes provided will be for 8yrs+ although no age restriction if bringing own bike and helmet)
    • Taster Fishing (any age although under 12yrs must be accompanied by an adult)
    • FREE ‘Dr Bike’ Bike mechanic* – bring your bike along for minor repairs: gears, brakes and general adjustments.. (*excludes cost of any replacement parts)
    • Canal & River Trust Information Point

Joe also has 2 great volunteering roles, perfect for getting experience in sport & event management.  If you know anyone who might be interested, please forward them these links



If you have read all the blog (if you scrolled straight down, stop cheating!) here is how you cast your vote:

  • Brussels spouts – UKIP
  • Mango – Green
  • Loose leaf tea – Labour
  • Avocado – Conservative
  • Welsh cheese – Liberal Democrat

For the full scientific report, click here.

So that’s it for this term.  I wish you all a fair & democratic May…